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What is “Equitable Pricing”? 

An equitable pricing model allows for a service or product to be obtained at multiple price points based on the circumstances of the purchaser. This method allows folks who would most likely be priced out of something to have the opportunity to take part in it. It also seeks to address the systemic inequalities of class in our culture. I am implementing this equitable pricing model to foster a more equitable system. 

Equitable Pricing Lesson Tiers:

Below, pricing is broken down into three tiers. I am able to provide a limited number of slots on each tier, so these opportunities might not always be immediately available.  

As you explore, I invite you to consider your personal access to resources + barriers related to the identities you hold.  Being mindful that if you select a price at the lowest end of the scale when you can truthfully afford the higher price, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of equitable pricing. The sliding scale thrives on trust. I trust you to be honest in your assessment of your economic reality. Being honest with yourself and your financial situation when engaging with sliding scale practices enables us to grow a strong and sustainable community.

Top Tier:

Consider selecting the rate of $135 if some or all of these apply to you: 

1. I am able to meet my basic needs* comfortably 

2. I am able to pay for expendable wants**, take an annual vacation or time off work. 

3. I have access to healthcare, have personal savings, own or lease a car, own property, rent higher-end property. 

4. I have family members or other sources contributing to my lesson costs which allows me to contribute this rate even if I could not do so from my personal finances 


This highest dollar cost reflects the true cost of lessons. It is the cost that, as an instructor, I would charge all students in the absence of a sliding scale. This rate was set in order to support practice operations, license requirements, taxes, and cost of living.

Middle Tier:

Consider selecting a rate between $135- $110 if some or all of these apply to you: 

1. I am able to meet my basic needs*. 

2. I am employed but have limited excess funds each month without much of a financial safety net. 

3. I have some expendable income**. I am able to buy some new items & thrift others. I can take a vacation annually or every few years without financial burden. 

4. I might be struggling to conquer debt / build savings / move away from paycheck to paycheck living, but have access to steady income and am not spending most of my time thinking about meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, child care, etc.


The middle tier acknowledges that full-price lessons may place accessibility just out of reach. 


If you are able to ask others for financial support, such as family, partners, or friends, please consider those personal resources before you use the resources of the sliding scale and limit opportunities for others.

Lower Tier:

Consider selecting a rate between $110-$85 if some or all of these apply to you: 

1. I am unemployed or underemployed without a financial safety net. 

2. I struggle to maintain access to needs such as healthcare, housing, food, childcare, and am living paycheck to paycheck. 

3. I would not be able to access lessons at a higher rate and still meet my basic needs*. 

4. I am unable to access lessons with most instructors due to cost. 

5. Our society marginalizes some or many of my identities which can create barriers to my earning potential. 

6. I do not have access to outside financial support from family or other sources to contribute to lessons. 


The bottom cost represents an acknowledgment that there are marginalized folks who encounter barriers of racism, sexism, ableism, etc. or whose economic circumstances would prevent them from being a part of lessons if there was not a deliberate opportunity made for them to access services at a cost that is reflective of their economic realities. You deserve a community that honors your price as equal to an economic offering as the person who can pay the highest tier. 

* Basic Needs include food, housing, health care, transportation and transition related needs (including affirming clothing) 


** Expendable Income might mean you are able to buy coffee or tea at a shop, go to the movies or a concert, books, high-end goods or services, and similar items each month, etc. 


*If the lower tier is still prohibitive, I will work with folks to offer extended payment plans and other solutions.* 

These statements are meant to act as a guide but I acknowledge that they cannot reflect the entirety of your personal situation. Please note that I am always open to revisiting your pricing structure as financial situations change.  After considering these statements please select the fee you believe reflects both a sense of collective care and self-compassion. 


I welcome all conversation and questions regarding your experience. I also welcome thoughts and ideas on factors I might consider as this continues to evolve. 

Thank you for engaging in this process! 



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